
Charting paths to a

A cluster of people icons showing the current percentage of women in state legislatures at 33% growing to 51%
A chart showing the growth of female state legislatures growing from 31% to 33%.
How far are we from a women’s majority? Before the 2024 election, only 33% of state legislators were women.
We’re progressing, but not fast enough. As of the 2024 election, only 34% of state legislators are women.
Where are our opportunities? Let’s consider these most recent elections.
78% of districts had incumbents running for reelection.
27% of those incumbents ran completely uncontested.
88% of incumbents who ran again won.
Here’s the good news: open seats are a major opportunity!
Every election cycle, there are over 1,000 open seats.
In recent elections, men ran for 92% of open seats.
Women ran for only 69% of open seats.
30% of open seats had no women running.
Here’s why that matters: when men and women ran against each other in open seats, they won in equal amounts.
To accelerate progress toward a women’s majority, we want a woman to run for every open seat in the country.
Let’s dive into Vote Run Lead’s state-specific strategy — the best path to a women’s majority in each state.
Strategic Pathway #1: Maintain and Gain
These states are on track for a women’s majority, but running for open seats and providing support to candidates can shorten the timeline to achieve 51%.
Strategic Pathway #2: Run for Every Open Seat
These states have plenty of open seats opportunities, and women win when they run. More women running for open seats (every open seat!) is the missing piece.
Strategic Pathway #3: Create Customized Support
These states need to look at a combination of factors to improve conditions for women running: creating more open seat opportunities, or increasing the win rate for women.
At the current pace, a women’s majority in all state legislatures is over 100 years away.
Parity Reached (with intervention)
No Parity (without intervention)
With intervention to accelerate progress, the majority of states could achieve gender parity within 10 years.